Next Level Human

The Power of Emotions, Energy, and Breathwork for change with Dr Espen Wold-Jensen - Ep. 270

Jade Teta Episode 270

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Dr. Espen Wald Jensen shares his origin story and how it led him to explore the connection between emotions and healing. He emphasizes the importance of understanding that we are more than just physical beings and that our emotions are a language of the body. Dr. Jensen explains that emotions are meant to be felt, not lived, and that they provide valuable feedback and guidance. He also discusses the concept of energy frequency and vibration, and how emotions that are not in motion can lead to sickness and disease. The conversation touches on the role of breath work and the biofield in processing and releasing emotions, as well as the connection between emotions and the chakras. Dr. Espen Wold-Jensen discusses the importance of understanding and working with energy centers, known as chakras, in healing and personal growth. He explains that each energy center is directly related to a specific area of life and that clearing and balancing these centers can lead to greater well-being. Dr. Wold-Jensen emphasizes the need to focus on positive thoughts and emotions, as well as taking aligned actions, in order to manifest desired outcomes. He also highlights the importance of purifying the body and mind through practices such as fasting, meditation, and breathwork. Overall, he encourages listeners to embrace their innate potential for healing and transformation.


emotions, healing, energy, frequency, vibration, breath work, biofield, chakras, energy centers, chakras, healing, personal growth, positive thoughts, emotions, manifestation, purification, fasting, meditation, breathwork


  • Emotions are a language of the body and provide valuable feedback and guidance.
  • Understanding that we are more than just physical beings allows us to tap into our healing potential.
  • Emotions that are not in motion can lead to sickness and disease.
  • Breath work and other practices can help process and release emotions.
  • The biofield and chakras play a role in the energetic aspects of healing. Understanding and working with energy centers, or chakras, can lead to greater well-being and personal growth.
  • Each energy center is directly related to a specific area of life, and clearing and balancing these centers can have a profound impact.
  • Focusing on positive thoughts and emotions, as well as taking aligned actions, is essential for manifesting desired outcomes.
  • Purifying the body and mind through practices such as fasting, meditation, and breathwork can support healing and transformation.

Sound Bites

  • "Thoughts are the language of the brain and the mind, emotions are the language of the body."
  • "Emotion should be energy in motion, by the law of transmutation, perpetual energy."
  • "Emotions are meant to be felt, not lived."
  • "I disappeared, started into the jungle in Peru to drink ayahuasca and sit on the ground and just stay still for as long as I needed to actually find out who the heck I was."
  • "We are energy. And if everything is

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Speaker 1:

What's going on everybody, welcome to today's show. I have someone that's going to be exciting for me. This is Dr Espen Wald Jensen, someone that I have never met and we're meeting for the very first time. We briefly kind of just gave each other a little bit of our backgrounds before we came on the air and we kind of agreed that we're going to discuss something that we both believe. I think and, espen, you can kind of tell me what you think about this but I think we both believe this is the future of medicine and that this may be one of, if not the missing piece that people don't yet have.

Speaker 1:

And this is this area of what we might call quantum metabolism realm or transpersonal psychology, manifestation, law of attraction, all this kind of stuff getting into the biofield and all of that kind of stuff, and so some of these terminologies that I just used many of you are not familiar with.

Speaker 1:

And Espen and I are going to just kind of begin to break this down and you're going to be listening to a conversation of two guys who have not ever met and who are just getting acquainted with each other, sharing and learning and teaching together, and so let's start. You have a really interesting origin story, very similar to other people in this space, where you had a really bad accident and this, I think, has informed a lot of your work, and so I want you to just get us started with, maybe, this story and then your sort of origin story in terms of how you got into this work, and then let's me and you unpack a lot of some of this stuff that people might find new, woo-woo, a little weird. You know what is all this quantum stuff about and let's get into it.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. That sounds awesome. Hey, it's a privilege and pleasure to be with you guys. I'm coming to you live from the Gold Coast, Australia. Today. In this conversation, my name is Espen. Today, let's go deep on exactly that. I think this is an exciting concept to explore and a very, very necessary topic to discuss in terms of healthcare, absolutely, and peak performance as well. Firstly, Einstein once said the future of medicine will be the medicine of frequencies. So we can take a little leaf out of that book and, as I say, stand on the shoulders of giants. If you can be okay with thinking outside the box a little bit, I think what we're about to do here might really benefit you.

Speaker 2:

I did not know these things, of course. I was born and raised in a beautiful little family in Norway, in a place called Arendelle, where the movie Frozen is from, a tiny little fisherman village in the south of Norway, in Scandinavia. When I was five, my brother passed away, so I found him dead in his room when I was five and he was only a baby Two years after my sister was born disabled and both my parents were alcoholics. So I did not really. I grew up in a very coherent home emotionally and of course, this became one of my biggest healings the biggest healing of my life, if I have to be honest to really understand human emotions and understand the quality of life equaling our quality of emotions and many other things. So I guess the reason why I speak to emotions before I bring up the accident that I had is because I did not realize at the time that I had a lot of suppressed emotions, which of course then would affect my behavior and my habits and so on.

Speaker 2:

So one day in 2006, I was living in Melbourne, in Australia. I was driving to work. I had just been informed that my mom had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and I was driving on a 600cc motorbike, a big racing motorcycle. And, as I say to my students, what do you get when you put a young man with ADHD and a lot of energy and suppress the emotions on a big motorcycle? You probably get a lesson from the universe. And so that's exactly what I got I broke both my legs. A lesson from the universe, and so that's exactly what I got I broke both my legs.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I ended up in hospital. They fixed me up 16 pieces of bolts, pins and plates and screws in me, all the metal and so on. And yeah, long story short, a year and a bit later I went back to the Royal Melbourne Hospital here in Australia and when they took all the metal out I got a iatrogenic, hospital induced staph infection. So I spent a iatrogenic, a hospital-induced staph infection. So I spent a year and a month, almost a year and two months and almost died from following this standard traditional medical system. Not to say that it took my life, it gave me back my life. The ambulance stopped the bleeding and saved my life.

Speaker 2:

But, as I said, there's a big difference between so-called healthcare and sick care. And I was not getting well, I was dying. And one day when the surgeon looked me in the eyes and he said either one will cut your leg off to stop the infection, We'll cut it off on the right hip and down today. And then, of course, my greatest fear came through, that I might be permanently disabled, like my little sister. And then the surgeon said if we don't do that and if the infection spreads, if you get sepsis, if the infection attacks your internal organs, then you die. Of course, then my greatest fear would be again potentially realized, which was that I would die like my little brother. So in that moment I took health into my own hands and started doing what I teach today, and I've still got two legs. So here we are.

Speaker 1:

I mean, you know it's incredible Talk about emotions. When you hear that story, you know I'm getting goosebumps, I'm feeling the energetics of that story, how incredibly difficult and hard that must have been at the time. And now, what amazes me and this is not an infrequent story that some people's worst nightmares and, you know, sort of dark nights of the soul and challenges and tribulations become their awakening moments, and it sounds like that has happened to you. You know I use these pithy phrases that are not unique to me, but pain is a path to purpose, suffering can be a source to meaning and our hurt can be a way to help, and that's sort of the you know, I think the ethos of Next Level Human and this whole podcast, and what I am really struck with Esmond, is that that's exactly what you did right. You took your pain, made it a path to purpose, you took your suffering, found meaning from it, you took your hurt and your lessons and found a way to help and obviously discovered something pretty magical and important that you're now bringing to the world. And another kind of ethos of next level humans, since you and I are just getting to know each other, is this idea that all of us are unique, kind of spiritual fingerprints, unique purpose, potentials, right. So we have a unique space and place and time that we occupy. We have a unique set of circumstances, our personality, our passions, our superpowers and time that we occupy. We have a unique set of circumstances, our personality, our passions, our superpowers, the people that we interact with, but, most importantly, our pain, and that makes us who we are, as sort of these individuals who can go out into the world and affect change.

Speaker 1:

And my contention and this is sort of my sort of first question to you and it's I'm phrasing it as a statement, but it's really a question my contention is that what we're missing and you talked about suppressing emotions and all these things that our spirit, so to speak, is trying to get our attention.

Speaker 1:

You said a lesson from the universe. So if we get to this place where it's trying to get us to realize the work that we're supposed to do, making distinction between the job is how we make money and the work is how we make a difference, and some people, like you and I, get to do both of those things. But I want to know, you know how this went for you, what did you discover and how did you bring this sort of purpose potential to where you are now? How did you bring this sort of purpose potential to where you are now? And then I want to begin to unpack a little bit of this, because I'm imagining from what I'm hearing from you is that this connection between emotions and healing you kind of hinted at that. And then there's this connection, I guess, between tapping into some other realm that isn't traditional medicine. So I'm hoping you can fill in the gaps there and take us further down this journey.

Speaker 2:

I'll be honored to. Firstly, I've had the privilege of being an owner of 10 multidisciplinary health clinics. I had 27 different doctors and physicians on my books, from medical doctors to naturopathic doctors, to chiropractors, and nurses and dentists, and so on and so forth. In my experience of both allopathic and holistic medicine, the combination of anything in between, I have found that, as I said to my patients and students today, if you don't have a good naturopath on your team, you don't have a healthcare team. So I just wanted to acknowledge you as well for the work that you do. I know you're very big on, you know who cares about the doctor title and I'm just the same. But originally doctor to doctora means to teach in Latin, and what you're doing is teaching the real healthcare principles, the real transformational principles that allows every individual to transform from the inside out. So I just wanted to acknowledge what I feel, in my personal hypothesis, is real medicine and real teaching, which is what you're doing. So thank you, and to each of the listeners and viewers as well, like, share this podcast with as many people as you can, because this is unstoppable. You cannot stop innate intelligence, you cannot stop what is happening in human evolution and the expansion of consciousness, and here what Dr Jade is teaching is absolutely fundamental and a necessary constituent for not just healing but peak performance as well. So thank you. Secondly, I'll be happy to answer your question. I think it's really important to realize that there's two ways to see life, as I always say. And the first way to do this and join in listeners and viewers, and you can choose this for yourself either scenario one or two resonates most with you. Scenario one is that you are only a body. That means that you are only matter, you are only the physical human experience within the five senses. There's no spirit, there's no soul, there's no consciousness. That's it. It's a materialistic, newtonian physics type experience. That's scenario one. Scenario two is if you believe that there is inside of you perhaps a spirit or a soul, some sort of a consciousness, and that there's more to you than just the physical. So choose scenario one or scenario two, whatever you believe.

Speaker 2:

If you're listening and watching and as we know, jay, you know 97 plus percent of our students, across hundreds of thousands of people in many countries, always say yep, I'm a two. I know that I am more than just the physical, and quantum physics has, of course, proven this ever since Max Planck won the Nobel Prize for this research over 100 years ago. If you Google what percentage of my cell or what percentage of the atom is empty space, you of course come up with plus 99%. So scientifically proven for over 100 years. We know, in quantum physics as well as metaphysics, and that we are made up of mostly empty space. And, as Einstein said, within this space there is intelligence. And so then, scientifically proven and to be specific, if we were to only apply physical healing, such as what much of allopathic medicine does you've got a broken leg, you know, let's fix it, that's necessary, and when you have your physical beings, we want to treat it physically In essence, we're only working with less than 0.1% of our potential. So if we only apply the physical remedies to a potential wound mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, chemical and so on we're only applying extremely limited amount of the healing capacity that we have as next level humans. So what I discovered in my clinics is that we did that and we learned a lot. But when we started really looking at human emotions and the understanding, energy, frequency and vibration the standard technologies of Tesla and we started applying these principles, everything changed. And so for me.

Speaker 2:

I was blessed to have major trauma and if you're watching or listening, just maybe tune into one of the challenges and traumas that you've had, maybe lately, or one of the biggest ones in your life. It depends on where you want to go with this challenges and traumas that you've had maybe lately, or one of the biggest ones in your life, it depends on where you want to go with this. But I recognized that. I had that motorcycle accident, for example, and I'm in the hospital bed and the surgeon looks at me and he says, hey, the best thing is we'll cut your leg off.

Speaker 2:

And I remember I was living in fear up until that moment. And when he said that something greater took over, he called it a download. If you want to look at it esoterically or spiritually, call it a moment of clarity. If you want to look at it esoterically or spiritually, you call it a moment of clarity. If you want to look at it from a neuroscience perspective, whatever. And I just went bang. If it is to be, it's up to me. Hang on. This system is not working for health purposes. I need to take health into my own hands. And I tried, I tried, jade. I tried for a year and almost two months, all the drugs and surgeries and hospitals and nurses and et cetera. And I recognized, if it is to be, it's up to me. I had outsourced we know this from our philosophy the power that makes the body heals the body. But I had outsourced my healing to the doctors and the surgeons and the nurses and the drugs, waiting for them to tell me if I was getting better or worse. And I was getting worse. So I ripped the intravenous out of my arms Again. I tried for a year and a bit. I followed the standard medical advice for a year and a bit and I went home and I started breathing. I sat up on my bed and I did the breath work that I teach now and within three and a half weeks I had healed the staph infection that I had for so long.

Speaker 2:

So, to answer your question, everything is energy.

Speaker 2:

If we understand that we are the co-creators of everything in our reality and that everything on the outside, including the body, is a direct reflection, a projection, a mirror of our own energy frequency and vibration, we can start the journey within.

Speaker 2:

I always say you don't have to go with that when you go within. This is an inside job, and that means that we can, if we want to give ourselves access to the wounds, the traumas, the patterns, indoctrinations and beliefs in the subconscious mind, which is also, of course, psychosomatically in the body. And when we give ourselves access to that, when we find what the trauma might be from childhood or from whatever it is, we can change it. As you beautifully said, jade, from pit to purpose, from trauma to transformation, and truly our mess becomes our message, because we recognize again and I'll end on this note that we aren't just the body, we are the observer of the body and the mind, we are consciousness, we are infinite intelligence imbued in temporary time, and if such is the case, it's nothing that we cannot achieve if we come from that perspective.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, espen, you so eloquently explained all of that. I want to add to it and I want you to catch me where I'm wrong and correct me in areas that you think I go off. I'm just going to say in a slightly different way for the listener, the way I look at this, for all of you listening, is these two sort of perspectives that Espen gives us, and Espen again, jump in and correct any of this. But me, the philosopher side of me, I look at it's materialism versus idealism, right, and so the materialism is this idea that we, our brain, matter creates consciousness. So that's part one. The second way that we can look at this is that consciousness, energy, essentially creates matter. So that's perspective two. And what I'm learning from Dr Espin is me and him share this belief. I am definitely no longer a materialist, partly through my own traumas and struggles brought me there, and this is what is really interesting about this, and I want to kind of go in. So, once we see this and, by the way, just so all of you listening, this is an ongoing argument, I think still, espen and I, espen, you could disagree with this or not, but we're in the minority, like still the vast majority of health care practitioners and scientists are still are still materialists, and from my perspective, that's okay and there's an ongoing debate around this. However, when you move to the idealist philosophy this idea that we are consciousness and energy and that coalesces into matter, when you look at things from that perspective, it does open up new ways of looking at health and new ways of understanding how we manage health and how we manifest and create in this universe. Now, one of the things that I am really excited when I read your story to talk to you about is this idea of emotions and this idea of.

Speaker 1:

I have always seen emotions the following way, and I want to just see where you agree, disagree with me or want to add or subtract the way.

Speaker 1:

As I've began to look at this new understanding, I started to see just like a twisted ankle gets swollen, painful and red and makes you pay attention to your ankle so that you can stay off of it, elevate it, do the things you need to heal it.

Speaker 1:

I see emotions very much the same way, almost like the spiritual body saying Jade, pay attention here. And now, once I began to do that, what I see is I see sprained psychology, I see sprained areas of my nervous system, I see entrenched beliefs, dogmatic definitions, cultural level narratives that I have never questioned, and so, to me, these things then caused me to run into repeated patterns and recurrent obstacles, and so, from my perspective, I am beginning to see, over the last decade in doing this work, that emotions are this idea of perhaps inflammation, of the spirit, in a sense, but also just more like best friends who are essentially coming in and saying Jade, espen, listener, pay attention. Right here there's something you need to work on spiritually, and in order for you to break these negative patterns, you need to look at these emotions. How do you see this and how have you been using emotions in your work?

Speaker 2:

This is big that you asked this question and I love what you just said in regards to emotions and the connection to spirit and the connection to the body. There's a couple different things of looking at it, ways of looking at it. One, I believe thoughts are the language of the brain and the mind, and two, the emotions are the language of the body. You're absolutely right. The body never makes a mistake. It always tells you exactly what you need and, just like a sprained ankle, I'll stay off it. Emotions such as frustration, procrastination, hesitation, desperation, depression, whatever is feedback mechanism from whatever you want to call it that you need to pay attention to, absolutely so fundamental, tune in, stop, breathe, be aware and let's find out where it's coming from. So if we take that approach and we understand that nothing is incorrect, that the information that we're getting is important, then we can look at the real signs of emotions. As we know, many of you listeners and viewers might know this, but it's definitely worth knowing. If you don't definitely worth looking it up, there are 12 so-called universal laws that I kind of extrapolated from the seven hermetic principles, which, when we look at this, we understand that the fundamental law, the number one of the 12 is the law of divine unity, that, however, everything is one. So, as we take this opportunity and we step into understanding emotions, one of the 12 universal laws is also the law of transmutational, perpetual energy. You might have heard of it. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. So we know everything is energy and we know that energy flows. The lower and slower the energy moves, the more sickness, disease and density in the body, the higher the frequency, energy frequency and vibration, which of course can be measured on the Hawkins scale, for example, amongst many others, the better the health of the individual. So, if we observe emotions, we have to understand.

Speaker 2:

Firstly, as one of my colleagues, dr Bruce Lipton, says, you have to realize that the majority of your programs, the way you perceive and believe life to be, the way you understand life, is created in the first seven years of your life, called the imprint period in human psychology, as we know. So the first, as, as we know say, 98 of our thoughts and emotions and beliefs are created. It's like a program it's built in the first seven years of our life and so we borrow those thoughts, we borrow those emotions, we borrow those thoughts and and belief systems from whoever raised us, then, when we go through life, we know that no more than 5% to 10% of what we experience in our reality on a daily basis, on a lifetime basis, is what's called conscious. So 5% of what's happening in our reality is what we're aware of, we are cognitive about this, and 95% is unconscious. The way we breathe, our hair is growing, our food is digesting, we're doing magical things, we don't have to think about it, Our heart is beating, our blood is maintaining homeostasis, and so on and so forth. So the majority of what is happening in our reality 95%, to be specific is unconscious or subconscious.

Speaker 2:

And so then, if we recognize that these emotional wounds, thoughts, patterns, programs of childhood maybe you were bullied when you were seven and maybe your mother or your father had a difficult relationship with money and you've inherited that money program, maybe you had another kind of challenge or multiple challenges that is stored as a program and that emotion keeps coming up, beautifully, as you said, jade, it keeps coming up and it keeps coming up and I don't know why I'm feeling frustrated. Why am I feeling frustrated? Why am I feeling sad? Why am I feeling this? Why am I feeling that? All right, well, firstly, know that it's a reason, be okay with it, observe it without judgment. It's coming up for me. It's coming up for a reason.

Speaker 2:

And what is that emotion? Energy in motion, again, by the law of transmutational, perpetual energy, cannot be created, cannot be destroyed, but has to move. And if energy doesn't move we become sick. This is scientifically proven in quantum physics, of course. So what does that mean? Well, if an emotion, a lower frequency, a lower density, emotion, fear, guilt, shame, grief, sadness, anger, apathy, you know stress, if that's in the body, psychosomatically, as in it's in the thought.

Speaker 2:

I was seven, I was bullied, and so now I don't feel comfortable in a crowd of people. My husband left me and broke my heart. I don't feel like opening up my heart to people, and you know I was fired from my job when I was 13 and I was humiliated people. And you know I was fired from my job when I was 13 and I was humiliated. Right, it's stored there somewhere and it's. We can feel it every day, but we don't know why. That's the key right.

Speaker 2:

To become aware is is the first step. We don't know why, and so, therefore, we act out, and then we have addictions and we have behaviors and and things that we're not proud of, and my question to my patients is always say, do you think you're doing that to be mean to yourself? Or, if you have a tough emotion, are you reaching for the wine or whatever the thing might be, to feel better in the moment? And, of course, the answer is I do it to feel better in the moment. So our quality of life equals the quality of our emotions, and most people don't get this. I grew up in a household where it was not common to talk about emotions. It was suppressed, it was never discussed around the dinner table, and so I didn't know much about it. So how can I then, jade, improve the quality of my life if I don't have a curriculum or a way, such as what you teach, to actually become aware of these emotions and to heal them?

Speaker 2:

So it's important to understand that emotion should be energy in motion. By the law of transmutation, perpetual energy, energy should always be in motion. The moment it stops, it's dead. At the bottom of the Hawking scale, zero vibrations or oscillations or cycles per second equals death. So movement is life. The more energy moves, the healthier we are, and emotion should be energy. Flowing through the body should be emotion moving and releasing and tuning into our field and us in flow with the universe.

Speaker 2:

But unfortunately, for many people, these emotions aren't flowing, they are stuck, they are programs in the mind and they're stuck then in the body. It could be in the guts or in the stomach, it could be in the reproductive organs, it could sit in the neck, it could be in the jaw, it could be in the heart lungs, it could be anywhere and as such, then, if emotion is not in motion, as I say, it's a bit of a cheeky one but it becomes then an issue in the tissue, it becomes a diagnosis or a disease, as the body, indeed, as you said, is trying to express to you where the problem is being manifested and where it's actually coming from, which often, as you said, is an emotional cause, and the effect is often what it does to the body.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, love that, and I oftentimes tell my patients and the people I work with and I know you and I both are doing many events. Now I actually saw your events. It's like, oh my God, he's doing some really, really cool stuff, very similar stuff to me, and one of the first things that I teach is this idea that emotions are meant to be felt, not lived, which basically points to this idea of flow. We must be in flow and also in some of the work that I know you do as well, which I do in what I would call breath-enhanced emotional processing. That's my version of breath work. I know you have yours, but the idea is that you're using the breath work to process the emotions and, as you and I know many people, when you put them in these breath work, these altered consciousness states. Psychedelics will do it too. Certain types of meditation will do it. I certainly feel like breath work and certain types of breath work are the most beneficial, fastest ways to do this. You will see these emotions begin to process and move around the body and oftentimes they do start, and I'm interested for you what you think about this, esma but oftentimes people, they won't even know their emotions. They will just feel like a bubbly gut, a little bit of heartburn, twitching and cramping in a muscle, and when they begin to pay attention to that they realize underlying that is the energetics and that energetics is an emotion and getting that emotion to move oftentimes is profound in their healing and there's oftentimes a release. Sometimes it's crying, sometimes it's coughing, sometimes it's you know, bowel movements and vomiting rarely, but there's definitely movement in some way and all of a sudden perceptions and perspectives shift and along with that often we see changes in bodily function. I'll give myself as an example changes in bodily function. I'll give myself as an example.

Speaker 1:

I was running pre-diabetic numbers, in terms of my glucose numbers, for a very long time, despite being someone who works out regularly, moves a lot and everything else. It was not until doing and working with my emotional processes, through breath work and some microdosing of psychedelics, that just through that work, without changing my diet, without doing anything else, my blood sugar levels normalized. I was holding and, as a practitioner, when you see this on yourself or when you see it on your clients, it's one thing. When you see it on yourself, it's a whole other thing and of course, when you see it in research, it becomes another thing which I know you and I are interested in, doing a lot of the research in this area, so I'm fascinated with this. I'm also fascinated to meet you for the first time and see a guy who's doing very similar stuff and came around to the same sort of understandings. And one of the things I want to briefly touch on is what a lot of people might think is sort of woo-woo, but in my mind this has actually now been proven.

Speaker 1:

I think it was last year or the year before they did a biofield study where they were looking at electromagnetic fields coming off certain areas of the body. So I'll briefly discuss this. You probably know about this study, espen, but I'll set it up so the listener knows and then you can comment on it. But basically what they were doing is they were looking at electromagnetic fields along the spine of the body and they took biofield workers. So for those of you who don't know what a biofield worker is, these would be people that do like healing, touch or Reiki or things like that. And then they took novice individuals who had no understanding of the energetic body at all and they measured down the spine and these electromagnetic frequencies. They and they measured down the spine and these electromagnetic frequencies they called them biofrequency bands, and they basically looked to see.

Speaker 1:

Was there a correlation? Could we correlate that both groups this novice group that knew nothing about biofield energetics and this group that did could we correlate that they had the same peaks, the same biofield peaks? This study showed that they did. The study also showed that the individuals who were Reiki practitioners or biofield practitioners and focusing on these particular areas were able to amplify them.

Speaker 1:

We also have research coming out of the Heart Math Institute, where when you do heart focused meditation, we can see that magnetic field expand as well, and to my mind, they found 10 of these, seven of which corresponded to the old chakras that the Ayurvedic system essentially shows. And so the reason I wanted to set that up is because there's an understanding, at least in the ancient sort of way of looking at this, that certain emotions are related to certain areas of the body, that certain chakras also relate to particular emotions, and I'm wondering how you see that and if that is something that you use in your work as well, and if you want to comment on that, because I know that people are going to who have any sense of this might bring up the chakras and the emotional constructs around that and that kind of thing, and I know it's a controversial topic. But here I'm with someone who you know. It's the first time I've been able to dialogue actually with someone who's on this wavelength with me and I'm just curious your thoughts.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, that's exactly what we discussed before. We pressed record. We can actually have that level of conversation here, so this is really really cool. Listeners, viewers, this is next level. Indeed, pardon the pun, but this is important because right now we're about to talk about what I refer to as fifth dimensional technologies applied to the, to the upper third dimension of the human experience in multi-dimensional technologies that are within us, that have not been accessed by by many people.

Speaker 2:

Firstly, and the energy centers on the chakras are real. This has been proven by professor valerie hunt at ucla university in my studies, and this was really interesting because when I finished as a primary healthcare physician in practice and also managing and operating the clinics in 2016, I was burned out. I had adrenal fatigue. I was very wealthy, very successful, but absolutely burnt out and sick, and I went too far into the masculine, as we do sometimes, and then I realized hang on, I don't want to do this anymore because it's not working. So I just sold everything. I took two years off. The first thing I did is disappeared, stood into the jungle in Peru to drink ayahuasca and sit on the ground and just stay still for as long as I needed to actually find out who the heck I was Now, as I was sitting in meditation, and for many years now, I've been having visions of energy systems, and energy systems within the body, moreover, and I've studied the chakras extensively, and we know that the ancient wisdom from around the world is all pointing towards the same thing is always into the middle of the body and up the spine, and depending on how you look at it.

Speaker 2:

So I started the chakras extensively and I realized that each specific energy center, each chakra, is directly related to a specific area of life. You refer to it as the body map, or I refer to it as the body map. You mentioned parts of the body, and it's not only that, as in black or white, but, yes, the root center does pertain to the hips and pelvis and the legs. The first energy center is related to that area. The second one is, of course, around the torso. The third one, the yellow one, the solar plexus, is around the lungs and the solar plexus and our power center and our drive, and then, of course, we have the heart, which is, of course, the chest, lungs all the way out to the hands and arms, the throat area and so on.

Speaker 2:

Now I wanted to test this hypothesis because I was like a part of me was like hang on, you know, I've got three degrees. I'm a physician, I'm a scientist. You know, clearly this is some spiritual bullshit. I needed to satisfy that part of the brain and for some of you listening and tuning into this, you might be like, yeah, right, here we go. But hear me out, because this is something that has had the greatest effect when it comes to healing. So I'm not telling you or selling you an idea. I'm telling you what works for over 8,500 graduates now.

Speaker 2:

It's the understanding that we are energy. And if everything is energy, then the question is what are these energy centers? As far as I'm concerned, they're the centers of our ontological being. They're the way the spirit, our consciousness, the 99.9% of us that is non-physical, empty space, can interact with the five human senses and the human experience, because we are also human. Hang on, I got a right hand and the left hand, so I must also be physical. So when we understand these energy senses, what I found, jade, which was really interesting, which is basically the basis of my key or my core program at the moment, is that each of these energy centers pertains specifically, not just to a specific part of the body you mentioned the body map, for example but each energy center is also directly related to a specific area of life, and that blew me away. So, for example, the root energy center, which is and I'll get to the blocker just in the moment directly related to our physical health and the moment directly related to our physical health. And the second one is related to our mental and emotional state. And the list goes on and on, and it's not perfect, but it's very accurate. And when we realize that we can actually have an expansion in our own energy field, a clearing in our energy field, and coming into coherence and equilibrium and homeostasis within our energy field, when we do work with the so-called subtle energy through the energy centers.

Speaker 2:

And I'll end on this note, the ancient Ayurvedic and Indian principle that I found studying through the Bhagavad Gita and working with some of the greatest masters and sages out there, I found the methodology. It's not my method, but I found an ancient one. It's about 5,000 years old and the ancient practice of the yogic tradition and the lineage believed that each energy center, each chakra, is specifically blocked by a primary emotion. Okay, so it's not just a emotion, but it's a primary emotion, so it's as if it's a primary interference pattern. You went we may call it, you know whatever and the first one, the first energy center, which is your root center, which is there to make you feel safe, to make you feel calm, to make you know that you, you are okay, that you will be fine, that you don't need to live in fear, that stress is not necessary for any longer than a very short period of time.

Speaker 2:

Of course, this is blocked for most people. Look at most people out there. They're running in the rat race. They're going day to day, rushing and not feeling fully safe. This, of course, again starts from childhood. For most people, that first energy center is blocked by fear. Right, fear. On the Hawking scale vibrates at 100 oscillation, instant cycles a second. That's extremely low and very dangerous. So we know that stress is the only thing related to every chronic disease, the only thing we can pinpoint. Every single chronic disease is related to stress and mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, chemical stress, often all of the above.

Speaker 2:

And so what I discovered, jade, was really interesting, because the first energy center is blocked by fear. Second, one's blocked by guilt. Third, one's blocked by shame. These are the three? What are the some of the three lowest emotions ever, measured on the Hawkins scale across 30 years of research? And so if we were to look at this method of mine and we were to park it, just to say hang on, let's put the esoteric stuff aside, let's put the woo-woo stuff aside, let's just look at the emotional component, at the very least we could agree that healing fear, guilt, shame, grief, sadness, anger, disconnection and illusion, et cetera healing that from a lower frequency to love is going to be beneficial for the individual. So I love that you brought up the chakras, because I truly do believe that we can no longer go about the way we've been going about so-called healing and the answers are found within, as cliche as it sounds. And if the answers are found within and if we are energy, then I think it's a really important conversation to have in regards to these energy centers indeed.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you know. So here's a question. I think I love this, by the way, this is such right up my alley and very exciting. You know sort of information and have seen very much the same thing without knowing it early in my career seeing individuals in depressed states, fearful states, angry states, shameful states, and also correlating those with, oftentimes, particular diseases that you kind of make these. When you see enough patients, you do start making some observations, and so that has always been there and always been something that I have been, you know, excited and interested in, and, of course, this new sort of direction that I'm taking has gotten me more interested in that.

Speaker 1:

One of the things that I think is hard for people to wrap their heads around is this idea of well, let's just put it this way, right? So what you're saying, what it sounds like people like you and I could be saying, is just think positive thoughts're actually feeling these elevated emotions. So thoughts and feelings have to be in alignment, and I would also say choices and actions must also be in alignment. And I might add another component that that must be overseen by authenticity for us as humans. And just to answer this question, I think a lot of people have when we start talking about this stuff is is that what you're saying? Can we go a little bit deeper to essentially?

Speaker 1:

You know, some people might say, well, isn't that just toxic positivity? Like, well, you know, isn't that just saying that? You know, jade and you know, you know Dr Jensen, are just saying that all we need to do is think and feel positive and we're going to heal ourselves. And in a sense I would say, yes, that's absolutely what we must do, very clearly. But I want to hear your answer to this sort of conundrum that we're seeing in this place, where people would say you know, we've got real life, real life demands we have. You know, it's heavy, it's hard, like this. Not, you know what are you talking about? You know this isn't all Pollyanna and all this stuff. I'm wondering how you answer this and you know how you would answer this whole idea of toxic positivity and all this ideas, and how you really see it.

Speaker 2:

It's an amazing point because there is certainly a lot of toxic positivity, including mental and emotional and spiritual bypassing, which is a hype often. I agree. Firstly, principle number one what you focus on is what you find. You must condition your mind to pay attention to the things that make you feel great. If you don't pay attention to the things that you're grateful for, for the things that make you feel great, If you don't pay attention to the things that you're grateful for, for the things that you've been blessed, I mean, you tell me if I took you out of your current environment and put you in a developing country, you lived on the ground with the men, women and children that are dying from starvation and hunger and poverty, and you lived with them for two weeks and you came back to your current reality, would you or would you not be more grateful? So I think the first instance is most people would say, oh, my gosh, yes, maybe then I would actually realize how much I've got to be grateful for. So the thing is we take our blessings for granted. When my brother died, I learned what it means to live because he didn't get to. So I try every day to live as much as I can, and with that I mean through to live as much as I can, and with that I mean through a beautiful state, seeing things that I am grateful for. So, again, what you focus on is what you find Absolutely. Thoughts become things. You must place your attention over and over and over and over and over again on the things that you want. If you want to have the things that you want, right, you must place your attention upon the things that you've been blessed. If you want more things to be blessed by. This is universal law. This is also in holy scriptures around different traditions from around the world.

Speaker 2:

So this is really simple Principle number one, critical, fundamental. Secondly, it's easy to go. I want a million dollars, I want a million dollars. I want a million dollars. I'm happy, I'm healthy, I'm wealthy. And without raising the emotion to the same thought, you're not going to have manifestation. So you have the thought this is my hypothesis right. The earth has a north pole and a south pole, electric and magnetic, masculine and feminine. A battery has a plus and a minus. If you have a plus and a minus, you're going to get power Out of it. You have two pluses, two minuses. You get nothing right. So you need the positive and negative, the masculine and feminine, to create something new. You need the sperm and the egg to create life, as you know. So what we know, then, is the thought is the masculine, which is the language of the brain I want a million dollars and the emotion is the feminine, which is, of course, what gives life to the thought and the emotion.

Speaker 2:

Unfortunately, for most people, the thought and the emotion don't match. So we have the thought being I want a million dollars and the feeling being shit, I need money to pay my bills, or I want to have a beautiful relationship, but the feeling is I don't really love myself, I don't like the person looking back at me in the mirror, I don't feel good about myself, I don't feel confident, I don't feel like nah, and so we don't call them the special one. We call them the one that's special to the level that we're at, as I say. So the way to understand this is yes, there is such a thing as toxic positivity and spiritual and emotional and physical bypassing, etc. However, if you understand that the way you feel, again, the language of the body is the emotions. It's different to the language of the brain. If you understand that the way you feel is like a program.

Speaker 2:

So imagine this you're listening to your phone or your computer. When you started the phone or the computer up, it ran a program. Okay, you press a button. Which is you waking up in the morning, taking a breath? Wow, here I am. You press the button and a program starts to run.

Speaker 2:

Now, what do we see? Jade? We only see what's on the screen, right, but there's thousands of processes happening in the background. Now, the processes happening in the background signifies or represents, is an analogy for the unconscious or the subconscious mind. So we see what's on the screen, great. I see jade over there. I see espen over here. We're having a conversation. But I know this the there's are thousands of programs running in the background, and the programs is what's making the entire thing happen, right? Without these programs, without the software on this computer, it would never work. Running in the background and the programs is what's making the entire thing happen, right? Without these programs, without the software and this computer, it would never work.

Speaker 2:

So what we can do, then, is to realize that the programs are running in our lives every day. The programs is often what leads to the suffering that we're experiencing and we don't even know. So this is a key component. No need to spiritually bypass when we have these tools available. And one thing you mentioned, jade, is breath. So we do this in our programs.

Speaker 2:

But even if you were to do breathing, there is something very powerful that happens when we do regular breathing and there's something really quite incredible where, I say, our innate intelligence takes over and we don't need to think, we are just becoming and healing. And very powerful principles have been proven to help with healing emotions, even though we don't talk about them, because they will come up when you do specific types of breathing. So that would be my answer to your question. I think it's really important to understand that these curriculums are available now. So for the first time and, as far as I'm concerned, thousands and thousands of years, so for the first time in, as far as I'm concerned, thousands and thousands of years, we are able to finally do what we came to do, I believe, as a humanity, which is to raise our level of consciousness to the point where we can come into coherence globally and not go extinct, to be honest, to really come back to that golden age and be in our peak potential and live incredible lives.

Speaker 1:

And we need each and every one of us and this is the whole point of Next Level Human. I'm sure it's the whole point of your work we need each and every one of us operating at their next level potential, because they're all unique, they're all necessary Like an ecosystem. We need everyone doing their work, but when we are all stuck in old, negative, fearful patterns because of our emotional programming when we are young, we can't do that. So let's wrap up with a final sort of discussion that I would love to have with you, since it's the first time we're meeting and I would love to just get some insight into how you're doing this work and sort of how it's different. And I'll start by sort of walking you through mine and let you critique it, make comments on it and perhaps walk us through yours. And one of the things I think we're going to be in complete alignment, which is always nice when that happens, because we certainly didn't know that that was going to be the case, and so sometimes it can be really nice to see, oh, you know, this individual's come to the same conclusions, perhaps through a different path, but come to the same conclusions. My part one is looking at this thing that you talked about, what happens between the ages of six to 10 years old, this base level child programming that we have, that these stories essentially get stuck. I call them misguided, unconscious decisions, mud. Right, they're misguided because we didn't have the knowledge, the wisdom or the know-how to make sense of them when they happen, they're unconscious because we're not aware they're there. And they are decisions in my mind because, whether we were aware of it or not, we did choose to decide that the world was this way, that we're this way, that the world is this way. So to me, when we're talking about quote manifestation, healing, getting the things we want in our life, living our true purpose, those kinds of things, to me the first step has to be clearing this quote mud. And I do think this is where some of the things go wrong in the work that a lot of people are doing in this space is that we can't just jump in.

Speaker 1:

In my mind and I would love to hear you You're nodding, know, maybe you're going to agree with this, but to me I go that's got to happen first. You know that that when you can clear away the mud, when you can clear away those cobwebs, when you can clear away that old programming, then you can install new programming. And, by the way, for those of you listening, and just for Espen, you know, to kind of hear you know, I use mainly journaling, what I would call breath enhanced emotional processing. So breath work and journaling techniques to begin to unpack that stuff, including things like EMDR when it gets really tough, and certain things like that. The next step, from my perspective, is all what you talked about, which is essentially installing the new program, which is the new higher elevation emotions, which, by the way, and also incorporate certain breath work and meditation patterns.

Speaker 1:

And then the final stage for me is what I would call the be it till you see it, we do live in a 3D world, even though we can be informed by higher dimensional realities. 3d world, physical reality, requires physical action, and so to me, the final step is be it till you see it, act as if. That way you get alignment in thinking, feeling, choosing and acting, which to me is the definition of being, especially if it's pushed by an authentic expression. So this is how I would say manifestation is realized, and I do think many people are doing such great work in this space. But when I come at this, I do see that those three things have to happen, and so that's my sort of process, and I don't see it as woo at all when you look at it like that.

Speaker 1:

It's sort of like no duh. We have to do this. We have to get rid of the old negative beliefs, patterns, things. We have to install new sort of ways of doing it. Then we have to install new sort of ways of doing it and then we have to act it out in the real world. And so I want you to take the rest of the time, if you don't mind, sort of sharing with us your work, what you've learned, what your process is and where I might be going selfishly for myself, because I love to learn where I might be missing certain things or need to add certain components. I'm very curious about how you're doing this work, because you obviously are doing really powerful work and seeing amazing things at your events and people healing and all the things that are going on with the work you're doing. I'm incredibly curious to see how you see this.

Speaker 2:

It's very much the same as you expressed it. I love it. It's the opposite. So there's two hypotheses here, two theories, two philosophies to looking at it, or ways of looking at it. One is that you're broken, you're fixed. You need curing, treating or healing, which is the old allopathic paradigm, a pill for an ill, so on and so forth. The second one is that there's nothing wrong with you. You're not broken, you're not wounded, you're not sick, you're not diseased. However, there are interference patterns and you call it the mud clearing the mud.

Speaker 2:

If you study ancient practices and lineages from around the world I've spent 20 years doing this and you look at what the ancient healing practices all say are the ones that work by the way, including the philosophy of metropathy in many ways you will see that it comes first to removing interference, because there is an innate intelligence in the body. We know this. You get a cut, it'll heal. You don't need to say heal, heal, it will heal. The doctor can dress the wound, but only the person can heal. This is extremely important to understand that innate intelligence is not in us, it is us, it is who we are. So if we can understand that and that's, of course, proven then we can really begin to make change in our life. So what am I talking about? Well, let's be clear. Clearing the mud, as I call it, removing the interference, is the first step. Purifying the body, purifying the mind.

Speaker 2:

I have lived intermittent fasting now for 10 years. I have been on 30-day water fasts. I sit in silent meditation for 10 days at a time regularly, because I know that I'm the creator of my own stress that I'm a creator of my own whatever. And so this starts with, for me, recognizing the body as something sacred, seeing it as a temple where the spirit gets to reside, getting the opportunity to really acknowledge the purity, the beauty, way, the pure lifestyle of how I can live. And I love how you said that. You know we take the actions because I live in the 3D world. We have to be it to see it. I think this is spot on, and that is the difference between, I think, many other philosophies and the philosophy that feels like you and I share that, yes, we have to clear the mud first, and it's not like it ends.

Speaker 2:

I'm in my 40s now. My biological age is 31. I can do superhuman things that people can even dream of in their 20s, and I can do stuff that I can do now in my 40s that I could never even dream of in my 20s. And how is it possible? People say that's not possible. I'm aging at 0.8 years for every one year that a standard person ages, and I've been proven this over a lot of years with epigenetic tests and gene methylation tests and all kinds of things. So I've proven that this is possible. How purify yourself? Any? Any path to spiritual enlightenment or healing in any way, shape or form starts with clearing the mud, purifying yourself. And when your vessel is pure, when your mind is still, when your energy is coherent, yeah, you will assimilate energy from the quantum field. You will attract and you will create. Don't worry about that. Your first step is to become pure and clean Absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I love this idea because it sounds like what you're saying here is part of the mud is, yes, mental and emotional. Part of the mud is physical and we must do that. So then we go on to step two. And how are you driving? No-transcript, but behind that is biofield and behind that is quantum field, right? So it's like quantum field to biofield to psychoneuroendocrine immune system, and is that part step two for you? Where is that? Where a lot of your meditation is coming in, a lot of the breath work is coming in, obviously the purification you know with your lifestyle and things like that. But I'm curious how you're using those and if you're using different approaches from everyone else. Or is this simply mindfulness meditation, void meditation, like, how are you doing this work to get this new emotional state remembered in the nervous system and not just in, you know, the in the quantum field, pulling it from the quantum field to the biofield, to the actual physical body?

Speaker 2:

Oh, great question. So if you want to go deep on this, I've got a episode on my podcast called the Dr Espen podcast. It's episode 14 and it's called the 10 Top Biohacking Secrets to Peak Performance in Life and Business, and I go through each of them specifically from my research over the last 20 years.

Speaker 1:

So your podcast, episode 14, is on your show. What is that show?

Speaker 2:

Dr Espen Podcast. So if you go to Spotify or Apple Podcasts, type in Dr Espen podcast and then you go to episode 14. You can geek out on that one. I think you'll enjoy that one.

Speaker 2:

I'm writing it down now, yeah, all of my top devices. You know all the things that I do. So, to wrap it up, and I've got a hard stop in 60 seconds, so I'd like to make sure that I landed on a high for you as well. To wrap it up, you're absolutely right. There's a cause and effect ratio. When we understand that the body is the effect of everything within us, including thoughts, emotions and our overall energy. When, then, we change consciousness, we change matter. That's the bottom line here.

Speaker 2:

So, yes, we need to purify the vessel first, and as we continue to purify the vessel throughout life, we will reverse aging, have an incredible life, live healthy, pain-free, and for the spirit to express itself in a vibrant human form. And as we do that, we keep coming back to all of the different layers of the body. It's not just one or the other. We have to encompass all of them the emotional body, the mental body, the physical body, the etheric body, and so on and so forth. But this stuff works and what you're teaching is just fundamental. So, again, for the listeners and viewers, lean in, share this with as many people as you can. Listen to this podcast over and over again, stop it, pause it, take notes, write out the key principles of this and then apply it in your life, because this stuff works, it's in alignment with universal law and and it it's going to stay, because it's just innate to to who we are.

Speaker 1:

So it's exciting yeah, dr, dr espen, thank you so much for your work. Just real quick before you go where do people find you? I'm assuming you're online and social media and all those places man I I honor your work.

Speaker 2:

I'm really excited to have this conversation. We should definitely do a sequel. I'll get you on my show as well. This will be fun, 100%. Yeah, man. So the Dr Espen podcast.

Speaker 2:

If you type in Dr Espen E-S-P-E-N for November Dr Espen podcast, you can check me out there. Dr Espen is great on Instagram. Send me a message if you have any questions, and what I recommend is I do an event called the Quantum Experience. It's either 90 minutes or a full day, depending on where you are in the world, and you can learn a lot about this. I do a quantum money, quantum relationships and quantum healing. You can just tune in, listen to the webinar and enjoy it. If you go to dr esper dot com, um, and you type, you know, look at events, and you'll find the quantum experience there. You can also find it on instagram if you go searching there. But I would definitely do that quantum experience with some of the breathwork that we teach, because I think that will give people a lot of understanding as to what we do, how we do it, why we do it and how they can do it as well.

Speaker 1:

So great to meet you, my friend, really excited to have this conversation and I will speak to you soon. I appreciate you so much. Thank you for your work, man.

Speaker 2:

You're an absolute legend. Thank you for what you're doing, jade, I'm looking.